La Comunidad Responde/Community Response

La Comunidad Responde/Community Response: An Oral History Project by the Students of Gregorio Luperon High School for Science and Mathematics

Interviewee: Elisa
Interviewed by: Anyely Quezada
May 20, 2021

Anyely interviewed Elisa on May 20, 2020 about her experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. Elisa explained how it affected her mental state as well as the positive and negative impacts it had on her home life. Elisa shared why she thought the pandemic had lasted so long and her thoughts and recommendations on how society could work together to end it.

Anyely entrevistó a Elisa el 20 de mayo de 2020 sobre su experiencia con respecto a la pandemia de Covid. Elisa explica cómo afectó su estado mental y los impactos positivos y negativos que tuvo en su vida familiar. Elisa comparte por qué cree que la pandemia ha durado tanto y sus pensamientos y recomendaciones sobre cómo la sociedad puede trabajar unida para ponerle fin.

Interviewee: Amber Ventura
Interviewed by: Gustavo Gil, Ivanna Vasquez, Yenilse Muñoz
May 28, 2021

Gustavo Gil, Ivanna Vasquez, Yenilse Muñoz interviewed Ambar Ventura, a teacher at Gregorio Lúperon High School on May 28, 2021. Ambar Ventura detailed how the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted her life socially, and mentally and the students at Gregorio Lúperon High School. She also discussed both the positive and negative aspects of virtual teaching. Ambar also expressed her concern over what school will be like next year considering the Department of Education’s new regulations.

Gustavo Gil, Ivanna Vasquez, Yenilse Muñoz entrevistaron a Ambar Ventura, profesor de la preparatoria Gregorio Lúperon en 28 de Mayo de 2021.. Ambar Ventura detalla cómo la pandemia Covid-19 impactó su vida social, mental y a los estudiantes de la preparatoria Gregorio Lúperon. Ella compartió los aspectos positivos y negativos de la enseñanza virtual. Ambar también habla de sus preocupaciones sobre cómo será la escuela el próximo año considerando las nuevas regulaciones del Departamento de Educación.

Interviewee: Renzo Rodriguez
Interviewed by: Rendy Rodriguez
May 20, 2021

Rendy Rodriguez interviewed his father Renzo Rodriguez on May 20, 2021. Renzo discussed what life was like in the Bronx in March during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Renzo shared how his social life was impacted and an experience he witnessed that changed him as a person.

Rendy Rodríguez entrevistó a su padre Renzo Rodríguez el 20 de mayo de 2021. Renzo habló sobre cómo era la vida en la Marcha del Bronx durante el apogeo de la pandemia Covid-19. Renzo compartió cómo su vida social se vio afectada y una experiencia que presenció que lo cambió como persona.

Interviewee: Daria Ines Soto
Interviewed by: Dvinci Tavera
May 20, 2021

Dvinci Tavera interviewed his friend Daria Ines on May 20, 2021. Daria shared the difficulties she faced with online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and her preference for in person school. Daria explained why school and not being able to go out with family and friends was the biggest change for her during the pandemic.

Dvinci Tavera entrevistó a su amiga Daria Ines el 20 de mayo de 2021. Daria comparte las dificultades que enfrentó con el aprendizaje en línea durante la pandemia de Covid-19 y su preferencia por la escuela en persona. Daria explica por qué la escuela y no poder salir con familiares y amigos fue el mayor cambio para ella durante la pandemia.

Interviewee: Gonzalo Avila
Interviewed by: Johana Espinoza
May 20, 2021

On May 20, 2021 Johana interviewed Gonzalo, a student at Gregorio Luperón High School in New York City. Gonzalo explained aspects of his life before COVID-19 in which he enjoyed outings with family and friends. He then discussed the social and emotional changes he had seen in himself since having lived through COVID.

Johana entrevistó Gonzalo quien es una estudiante. Él le explicó su vida antes COVID en que le gustaba salir con sus amigos y familia. Después él analiza los cambios sociales y emocionales que ha observado en sí mismo después de COVID.

Interviewee: Josmiluis Peralta
Interviewed by: Brianna Pichardo
May 20, 2021

Brianna Pichardo interviewed her friend Josmiluis Peralta on May 20, 2021 about his experience before and after the Covid-19 Pandemic. Josmiluis shared that before the pandemic he lived without fear of interacting with friends and family members. Now Josmiluis has learned to value the people closest to him more.

Brianna entrevistó a su amigo Josmiluis Peralta en 20 de Mayo de 2021 sobre su experiencia antes y después de la pandemia Covid-19. Josmiluis enseñó que antes de la pandemia él vivía sin miedo de interactuar con amigos y miembros de su familia. Ahora Josmiluis has aprendido a valorar más a las personas mas cercanas a él.

Interviewee: Yesenia Cardoza de La Rosa
Interviewed by: Maryorie Rozon, Brianna Pichardo, and Josmiluis Peralta
May 20, 2021

Maryorie Rozon, Brianna Pichardo, and Josmiluis Peralta interviewed Yesenia Cardoza de La Rosa, the principal of Gregorio Luperon High School on May 20, 2021. Despite graduation rates having not effected graduation rates, Mrs. Cardoza de La Rosa detailed the emotional and digital challenges that she and the Gregorio Luperon community faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mrs. Cardoza de La Rosa explained how the pandemic had encouraged her to reflect on ways in which she could improve as a principal in order to better serve and support the needs of the students at the school.

El equipo de Maryorie Rozon, Brianna Pichardo, and Josmiluis Peralta entrevistó Yesenia Cardoza de La Rosa, la directora de Gregorio Luperón High School en 20 de Mayo de 2021. Mrs. Cardoza de La Rosa enseñó cómo la pandemia no afectó mucho en términos de tasas de graduación. Yesenia detalla las dificultades emocionales y digitales que ella y la comunidad de Gregorio Luperon como un entero enfrentó por causa de la pandemia. Yesenia explica cómo la pandemia ha alentado a reflexionar en maneras en que ella puede avanzar como una directora para que ella pueda servir y apoyar las necesidades de los niños en la escuela.

Interviewee: Jazmin Marquez
Interviewed by: Brianny Garcia
May 26, 2021

Brianny Garcia interviewed Jazmin Marquez on May 26, 2021. Jazmin shared the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic had on her well-being. She learned to become more independent in regards to her education, by taking more time to learn the material on her own. Jazmin detailed how due to the pandemic she has spent more quality time with her family. 

Brianny Garcia entrevistó Jazmin Marquez en 26 de Mayo de 2021. Jazmin enseña el impacto que la pandemia de Covid-19 tenía en su bienestar. Ella aprendió a ser más independiente en lo respecta a su educación, al dedicar más tiempo a aprender el material por su cuenta. Jazmin como debido a la pandemia pasa más tiempo de calidad con su familia.

Interviewee: Sherly
Interviewed by: Yenilsse Munoz
May 20, 2021

Yenilsse Munoz interviewed her friend Sherly on May 20, 2021. Sherly explained how she felt at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and what a typical day was like for her during the pandemic. She then shared how the pandemic had impacted her emotionally and prompted a lot of reflection. Sherly discussed how she believed that she has matured because of it.

Yenilsse Munoz entrevistó a su amiga Sherly en 20 de Mayo de 2021. Sherly explicó cómo se sintió al comienzo de la pandemia y cómo fue un día típico para ella durante de la pandemia. Luego comparte cómo la pandemia la ha impactado emocionalmente y provocado mucha reflexión. Sherly comenta cómo cree que ha madurado gracias a eso.

Interviewee: Friend
Interviewed by: Scarlet Nuñez
May 20, 2021

On May 20th, 2021 Scarlet Nuñez interviewed a friend. The friend shared the fear she felt when the pandemic began. She discussed missing playing volleyball, and how being socially isolated affected her. However, she was glad that she had developed new skills such as drawing and expressed hope for the future.